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CAP Liberté de Conscience est une ONG européenne  dotée du statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies, créée en 1995 et dédiée à la protection du droit à la liberté de religion et de conviction.

CAP Liberté de Conscience lutte contre toute forme de discrimination fondée sur la religion ou les convictions en alertant les instances européennes et internationales.


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CAP LC contributions aux Nations Unies

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CAP Liberté de Conscience contributions en Europe

CAP Liberté de Conscience conférences et événements

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CAP LC conferences et evenements

82th CAT Session : France Under Scrutiny for Police Conduct

Key Findings from Human Rights Organization Report As France gets ready to respond to the Committee Against Torture (CAT) on its human rights record during the 82nd session, a report by an international human rights organization raises concerns about the activities of...

HRC 58 side-event : Rights of vulnerable persons in the Middle East and Asia

During the 58th session of the UN Human Rights council in Geneva, United Villages organize along with Italia Che Cambia APS and CAP Liberté de Conscience we are co-hosting a side event “Indo-Mediterranean: political changes and human rights” to highlight and discuss...

Multilateral Negotiations: Keys to Sustainable Peace

CAP Liberté de Conscience March 2025 MAFRA Conference 2025 Multilateral negotiations are indispensable for resolving complex international conflicts. As António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, aptly stated, “Multilateralism is not an option but a...

HRC 58 Side-event Human Rights In Pakistan

Join us for an urgent discussion on Human Rights in Pakistan, Particularly the education sector crisis. This event will highlight how ideological influences and rising intololerance threaten fundamental rights,  limit access to education, and jeopardize academic...

HRC 58 Written statement : Sudan Crisis

At the 58th session of the Human Rights Council, UN experts and civil society have highlighted the gravity of the situation in Sudan and reiterated the urgent necessity of ensuring respect for principles of international law. As the UN High Commissioner for Human...

HRC 58 : Unprecedented Human Rights Violations in Tunisia: The Persecution of Political Opponents and the Targeting of Sub-Saharan Migrants.

On 3 March 2025, during the 58th Human Rights Council, Fundacion Vida hosted a side event introduced by Thierry Valle, President of CAP Freedom of Conscience, on Unprecedented Human Rights Violations in Tunisia: The Persecution of Political Opponents and the Targeting...

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