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CAP Liberté de Conscience est une ONG européenne  dotée du statut consultatif auprès des Nations Unies, créée en 1995 et dédiée à la protection du droit à la liberté de religion et de conviction.

CAP Liberté de Conscience lutte contre toute forme de discrimination fondée sur la religion ou les convictions en alertant les instances européennes et internationales.


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CAP Liberté de Conscience conférences et événements

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CAP LC conferences et evenements

HRC 56 : Erosion of Muslim Rights and Freedoms in India Highlighted at UN

Erosion of Muslim Rights and Freedoms in India Internet Shutdown – India holds the dubious distinction of leading the world in internet shutdowns for the 6th consecutive year . In August 2019, the Indian government completely blocked all communication networks in the...

EU Imposes Sanctions on Individuals and Entities Linked to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

CAP Freedom of Conscience July 2024 The European Union has enforced sanctions, on individuals and groups connected to acts of gender based violence. This action was taken by the Council of the European Union as part of efforts to address violations of rights. The...

48th session Working Group Universal Periodic Review : Persecution of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in Egypt

Submission Persecution of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light in Egypt Since their implantation in Egypt in 2012, members of a new religious movement in Islam, self-named “The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light,” have been the victims of state repression, social...

Media Freedom: The Key to Democracy and Security

A recent study commissioned by the OSCE Representative, on Freedom of the Media has revealed the connections between media freedom, democracy and global and local security. The detailed research document, crafted by a team from the Varieties of Democracy Institute at...

CFU Co-organised UN Side Event Highlighting the Uyghur Plight

Geneva, Switzerland – On July 5, a side  event, “Combating Islamophobia in Asia: From Awareness to Action,” was held at the United  Nations  Human  Rights  Council‘s (UNHRC) 56th Session to address the threats of Islamophobia in Asia, with a focus on the People’s...

Climate Change, Conflict, and Religious Freedom: An Urgent Call for Integrated Action

CAP Freedom of Conscience July 2024 In todays interconnected world the connections, between climate change, conflict and freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) are becoming more evident and urgent. A recent policy brief from Search for Common Ground underscores the...

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