30 September to 11 October 2024

Plenary Session 8:

Tolerance and non-discrimination I, including:

Addressing racism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance

Coordination des Association et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience

We are deeply concerned about Germany’s refusal to grant asylum to Ahmadiyya Muslims and their forced return to Pakistan, where they face persecution and denial of rights. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Pakistan is enduring an alarming rise in violence and systemic persecution, with a disturbing trend of targeted murders, desecration of mosques and graves, and the continued denial of basic civil rights. By sending back the Ahmadis to Pakistan, Germany contravene its obligation under:

-the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention against Torture. The principle of non-refoulement, a cornerstone of refugee law, prohibits the return of individuals to places where their life or freedom is endangered,

-the ninety fifty-one Refugee Convention and its ninety sixty-seven Protocol, solidifying the commitment to the protection of vulnerable populations seeking refuge,

-the European Convention on Human Rights, -And the Germany’s asylum law :

the Asylum Procedure Act and the Residence Act. We recommend Germany:

  • to ensure that asylum procedures for Ahmadis are harmonized and consistent with international refugee law, particularly the UNHCR’s eligibility guidelines for Ahmadis. This includes ensuring that the risk of persecution is properly assessed and that Ahmadis are not expected to conceal their faith in order to avoid harm.
  • to encourage and support the provision of specialized training for asylum officials in Germany to better understand the unique situation faced by Ahmadis in Pakistan. This would help ensure that decisions are based on an accurate understanding of the persecution faced by the community.
  • Germany should support public awareness campaigns highlighting the persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan and the need for international protection.
  • As eminent participating state of the OSCE, Germany should participate to establish mechanisms to monitor the treatment of Ahmadi asylum seekers in Europe, ensuring that they are not subjected to discriminatory practices during the asylum process.

You are invited to attend our side event addressing the situation of Ahmadi Muslims in Europe at 4 p.m. in the Saski room.

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