57th Session of the Human Rights Council

Item 9 General debate on racism racial discrimination xenophobia and related forms of intolerance

3rd October

Persecution of the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan

With Human Rights Without Frontiers we are deeply concerned about the situation of the Ahmadis in Pakistan.

This year, the Ahmadiyya Community is enduring an alarming rise in violence and systemic persecution.

We notice a disturbing trend of targeted murders, desecration of mosques and graves.

This year, up to July alone, four Ahmadi Muslims were brutally murdered in religiously motivated attacks.

In June, a madrassa student murdered two Ahmadis.

In July an Ahmadi dentist was shot dead in his clinic in Gujrat.In February, an Ahmadi mosque was attacked in Kotli, in Kashmir, by extremists armed with guns and hammers. They destroyed its minarets and brutally beat worshippers.

In January, Punjab police desecrated sixty-five Ahmadi tombstones in Musay Wala.

In June, during the Eid celebrations, a mob of one hundred and fifty people attacked another Ahmadi mosque in Kotli.

On that Islamic festival, over 30 Ahmadis were arrested in Pakistan, including a young teenager.

Unfortunately there is a lack of accountability for the perpetrators of these heinous acts.

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