Sweden’s Deportation of Ahmadi Asylum Seekers: A Violation of International and European Law

The submission at the 49th session of the UPR Working Group on Sweden was made by two organizations:

International Human Rights Committee (IHRC): A non-profit and non-governmental organization focusing on freedom of religion or belief, with expertise in advocating for the rights of marginalized religious groups.

Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP LC): A secular international organization created in France in 1995, which monitors and combats discrimination and violations of freedom of religion or belief worldwide.

The submission highlights a concerning issue: the deportation of Ahmadi asylum seekers by Sweden to Pakistan, where they face a high risk of persecution. The submission argues that Sweden’s actions in this regard contravene international law, European legal frameworks, and established UN guidelines, which recognize the extreme vulnerability of Ahmadis in Pakistan.

The submission provides detailed legal and factual background on the persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan, including the constitutional and legal discrimination they face, as well as the widespread violence, arbitrary arrests, and societal hostility they endure. It then outlines how Sweden’s deportation of Ahmadis violates the principle of non-refoulement, which is enshrined in various international and European legal instruments.

The submission also highlights how Sweden’s actions contradict European law, including the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Qualification Directive, which recognize the persecution of religious minorities as a valid basis for international protection.

Finally, the submission argues that Sweden’s deportation of Ahmadis disregards the guidelines and recommendations of international bodies, such as the UNHCR and the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, which have explicitly recognized the need for special protection of Ahmadis.

The submission concludes with a set of recommendations for Sweden, including: ceasing the deportation of Ahmadis, upholding the principle of non-refoulement, strengthening asylum procedures, adopting a more humanitarian approach, collaborating with international bodies, and reviewing the handling of religion-based asylum cases.

IHRC CAPLC Submission to the 49th session of the UPR Working group on Sweden

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