The recent report, from the UK government underscores the importance of protecting freedom of religion or belief, on a scale. The UK governments latest publication titled “Preserving Religious Freedom, for Minority Faith Communities in South Asia” provides insights into the challenge of oppression experienced by minority groups, in the region. 

Summary of the Report

A detailed study prepared for the All Party Parliamentary Group, for International Freedom of Religion or Belief in the UK delves into the involvement of the UK government in tackling the obstacles and risks encountered by minority groups in South Asia. With a specific focus on India, Pakistan and Bangladesh where individuals and communities belonging to minority religions are frequently subjected to ongoing bias, exclusion and, at times violence.

The. Unfair treatment faced by the Ahmadiyya Community

The report highlights a concerning issue regarding the discrimination and mistreatment experienced by the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan. It mentions that Ahmadis, in Pakistan encounter organized oppression that includes being deprived of their right to identify themselves as Muslims freely and experiencing limitations on practicing their religion along, with facing violence and harassment.

Nasim Butt, from the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan expressed a view during his testimony in front of the UK parliament by stating that they lack rights and face obstacles, in accessing justice. They feel marginalized as if they are treated as citizens who are not permitted to identify as Muslims; their places of worship and burial grounds have been subjected to attacks while their community members have fallen victim to targeted violence.

The report also emphasizes the involvement of the government, in sustaining this treatment. It mentions that the government of Pakistan has not effectively safeguarded the Ahmadiyya community and has instead legalized discrimination, against them.

CAP LC’s advocacy initiatives

Our organization CAP Freedom of Conscience has worked closely with the International Human Rights Committee to champion the rights of the Ahmadiyya community and other minority religious groups, in South Asia for quite some time now. Our NGO actively collaborates with entities like the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to shed light on human rights abuses and push for intervention.

In a document presented to the UN Human Rights Council we brought attention to the challenges faced by the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan. Emphasized the importance of holding the Pakistani government responsible, for not safeguarding’s their citizens basic rights effectively.

The Role of the United Kingdom and Suggestions

The report suggests that the UK government holds an diplomatic obligation to tackle these infringements, on rights and make efforts to protect the right to practice religion freely in South Asia. It offers suggestions for the UK government to review and take into account.

Raising the topic of freedom during discussions, with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, in talks.

Supporting funding and assistance, for community groups and advocates dedicated to safeguarding the rights of minority groups.

Exploring the implementation of sanctions, against individuals and organizations accountable for infringements, on religious liberties.

Employ efforts and engage in public campaigns to safeguard the well-being of minority religious groups in the area.

The UK governments report plays a role, in the push to protect the fundamental human right of freedom of religion or belief by offering valuable insights and recommendations for addressing the challenges encountered by minority faith communities, in South Asia.

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